How to Wash Acrylic

Preparing for the wash

Start by checking the care labels on your clothes to ensure you're following the manufacturer's instructions. Look for keywords such as ‘hand wash only’ or ‘delicate cycle’ to determine the best washing method for your acrylic clothing.

Take the time to sort your laundry accordingly, separating your acrylic garments from items that may cause friction or damage during the wash. This will help prevent any potential snags or stretching.

Choosing the right temperature

We recommend using cold water, as hot water can cause the acrylic fibres to stretch or lose their shape. Avoiding hot water also reduces the risk of colour fading or bleeding. By sticking to a gentle temperature, you can ensure that your acrylic clothing remains vibrant and comfortable to wear.

It doesn’t matter whether you're wondering how to wash 100% acrylic or other acrylic garments, keeping the water temperature in check is a simple yet effective way to care for your clothes. So, remember to opt for lcold water when washing your acrylic items to maintain their longevity and appearance.

Choosing the right temperature

Using the right detergent

When it comes to washing acrylic garments, using the right detergent is essential for maintaining their delicate fibres. Look for a mild detergent specifically designed for delicate fabrics like acrylic.

These gentle formulas are less likely to cause damage or fading. Avoid using harsh detergents or bleach, as they can weaken the fibres and affect the colour of your acrylic clothes. By choosing a suitable detergent, you can ensure that your acrylic garments receive the care they need and stay in great condition. Also don’t forget to use Vanish Oxi Action Stain remover Gel to remove tough stains even at 20 degrees while preventing colour runs.


Oxi Action Multi Power Gel

Oxi Action Multi Power Gel

Acrylic clothing washing instructions

Let’s say for example, you’ve been scouring the web looking for 100% acrylic sweater washing instructions. You may have found some useful guidance… but are still unsure whether or not to hand wash, or stick to the washing machine?

Well, this should hopefully clarify both approaches and help you decide on which works best for you.

Hand washing acrylic

This is a gentle and effective way to ensure their longevity and preserve their quality. Start by filling a clean sink or basin with lukewarm water – although washing in cold water is also fine.

Add a small amount of mild detergent specifically designed for delicate fabrics like acrylic. Gently agitate the water to create suds. Place your acrylic garment in the soapy water and let it soak for a few minutes. Then, gently agitate the garment with your hands, focusing on any areas that may require extra attention, such as stains. If you do have a stain, you might need to avoid washing for now and switch to Vanish Oxi Action Stain remover Gel

Rinse thoroughly with cold water to remove all traces of detergent. Avoid twisting or wringing the garment, as this can stretch or damage the fibres. Instead, gently squeeze out excess water and lay the garment flat on a clean towel. Roll the towel and garment together to remove additional moisture. Finally, reshape the garment and lay it flat on a clean, dry towel or drying rack to air dry.

Hand washing acrylic

Machine washing acrylic

Start by checking the care label on your acrylic clothing to ensure it is suitable for machine washing. Select a delicate cycle on your washing machine, which uses a slower and gentler agitation to prevent damage to the fibres.

To further protect your acrylic garments, place them in a mesh laundry bag before adding them to the machine. This will help prevent any snagging or stretching during the wash. Avoid using harsh spin cycles, as this can also damage the delicate fibres.

Machine washing acrylic

Drying acrylic

This is crucial to prevent stretching or shrinking. After hand or machine washing, avoid wringing or twisting the garment. Gently squeeze out excess water and lay the garment flat on a clean towel. Roll the towel and garment together to remove additional moisture. Avoid exposing acrylic garments to direct sunlight or heat sources, as this can cause the fabric to become brittle or lose its shape. Allow it to dry naturally and avoid using a clothesline, as this can stretch the fabric. By following these drying instructions, you can ensure your acrylic garments maintain their shape and quality.

Drying acrylic

Removing wrinkles from acrylic

One effective method is using a steamer. Simply hang your acrylic garment and gently steam it, allowing the steam to relax the fibres and smooth out the wrinkles. If you don't have a steamer, you can use an iron on low heat. Place a thin cloth or pressing cloth over the acrylic garment and iron it gently. Be sure to avoid using high heat, as it can scorch or melt the acrylic fibres.

Removing wrinkles from acrylic

Storing acrylic garments

When it comes to hanging your acrylic sweaters, opt for padded hangers to prevent stretching and distortion. Alternatively, you can fold your acrylic garments to avoid any potential hanger marks. When folding, be sure to stack them neatly and avoid overcrowding in the closet, as this can lead to wrinkles and creases. Additionally, keep your acrylic garments away from direct sunlight or heat sources, as prolonged exposure can cause fading or discolouration.

Storing acrylic garments

Troubleshooting tips

While washing acrylic garments, you may encounter some common issues, but don't worry, we've got you covered with these troubleshooting tips. If you notice pilling on your acrylic clothing, gently remove the pills using a fabric shaver or a sweater stone.

To tackle static clinging, try using a fabric softener or dryer sheets when drying your garments. Use Vanish Oxi Action Stain remover Gel to ensure there’s no colour bleeding from other garments.

In summary

Overall, knowing how to wash acrylic garments properly is essential for maintaining their quality and prolonging their lifespan. Remember to always check the care label, choose the right temperature and detergent and Vanish Oxi Action Stain remover Gel and follow the recommended washing methods. With these tips, you can confidently care for your acrylic garments and make clothes last longer. We also have tips on washing wool items and polyester clothes too, so your whole washing pile is covered. Good luck!